Every three minutes in France, a project is co-financed by European funds.

Many elected representatives  business and heads of associations are not aware that European funds are intended for them. However, these Funds are well-distributed and thousands of projects are created each year.

Ranging from training  to support for small to medium size businesses, or to developing a rural development initiative, the areas of focus of the European funds are broader than we think! Here’s a preview:

  • Le déploiement du THD en Bretagne

    Aujourd’hui, avoir une connexion internet performante est devenu indispensable. Avec le projet La fibre pour tous en Bretagne, la Région et les collectivités bretonnes s’engagent à offrir un accès à internet en très haut débit à tou·te·s les Breton·ne·s d’ici à 2026. Le projet concerne tous les territoires non couverts...
    Thematic(s) : TIC, numérique